Estimate (Set Currency) $5,000 - $7,000

Sale 2178
splendid ceremonies the paul and marianne gourary collection
12 June 2009
New York, Rockefeller Plaza
Lot Description
LISBON 1755 -- METASTASIO, Pietro (1698-1782). Alessandro nell'Indie, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi nel Gran Teatro nuovaments eretto alla real corte di Lisbona, Nella Primavera dell'anno MDCCLV. Per festeggiare il Felicissimo giorno natalizio di sua Maestà Fedelissima D. Maria Anna Vittoria Regina di Portogallo, Algarve... per comando della Sacra Real Maestà del Re Fedelissimo nostro signore.. Lisbon: Sylviana, 1755.
4o (183 x 126 mm). Engraved frontispiece by SANTE MANELLI and nine engraved folding plates by J.B. DOURNEAU, M. LE BOUTEAUX, and JUAN BERALDI. Contemporary calf, spine gilt (several splits on covers, some rubbing). Provenance: Manhattan College, Brother Julia, F.S.C. Collection, donated by Christian A. Zabriskie (bookplate).
Performed on the occasion of the birthday of MARIA ANNA VITTORIA (1718-1781), Queen of Portugal, at the theater that had only recently been erected in the royal court. The scenes were designed by GALLI BIBIENA and the ball, conceived by ANDREA ALBERTI, had machines invented by PETRONIO MAZZONI, costumes by ANTONIO BASSI and staging by ALESSANDRO PIZZI. In 1752 Joseph I, King of Portugal, invited DAVID PEREZ to become mestre de capela and music master to the royal princesses, a position he occupied until his death. His annual stipend, coupled with the excellent musical and theatrical resources of the Portuguese court, undoubtedly influenced his decision to remain in Lisbon. The ambition of the recently crowned Portuguese king was to depart from his father's musical policy, almost uniquely concerned with church music, and to give Italian opera a central position in the court. Sumptuous scenic treatment was the rule, and Perez's operas were mounted by such famous designers as Berardi, Dorneau, Bouteux and Galli-Bibiena. Equally important were the great singers who appeared at the Portuguese court, including Raaf, Elisi, Manzuoli, Gizziello and Caffarelli.
[Bound with:] METASTASIO, Pietro. Clemenza di Tito, dramma per musica da rappresentarsi Nell'Estate dell'Anno MDCCLV. Sul Gran Teatro nuovamente eretto alla real corte di Lisbona, per festeggiare il felicissimo giorno natalizio di sua Maestà Fedelissima D. Giuseppe Primo, Re di Portogallo, Algarve... per comando della Sacra Real Maestà della Regina Fedelissima nostra signora. Lisbon: Sylviana, 1755.
4o. Engraved frontispiece by SANTE MANELLI and eight engraved folding plates, one signed by J.B. DOURNEAU.
Performed on the occasion of the birthday of JOSEPH I (1714-1777), King of Portugal. The music was composed by Antoni Mazzoni. The scenes were designed by GALLI BIBIENA and the ball, conceived by Andrea Alberti, had machines invented by Petronio Mazzoni, and costumes by Antonio Bassi.
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